“The cup of knowledge is overflowing; blessed are they who partake in draughts!
The fountain of life is issuing forth; blessed are they who drink!”


Since the inception of the Bahá’í Faith in the Nineteenth Century, a growing number of people have found in the teachings of Bahá’u’lláh a compelling vision of a better world. Many have drawn insights from these teachings—for example, on the oneness of humanity, on the equality of women and men, on the elimination of prejudice, on the harmony of science and religion—and have sought to apply Bahá’í principles to their lives and work. Others have gone further and have decided to join the Bahá’í community and participate in its efforts to contribute directly to the realization of Bahá’u’lláh’s stupendous vision for humanity’s coming of age.

Bahá’í activities in the Nuneaton area - open to all

Children Classes

The Baha'i community conducts classes in neighbourhoods and homes. These classes offer children lessons that develop their spiritual faculties and lay the foundation of a noble and upright character.

Junior Youth Programmes

The junior youth spiritual empowerment programme is a Bahá’í inspired social and economic development programme open to all young people between the ages of 11 and 15. The program develops the capabilities of young people to contribute to the advancement of civilization.

Youth Activities

Periodic youth conferences are held in different regions of the country to enthuse the youth by learning from each other's experiences, and to develop ideas for advancing the betterment of the society.

Study Circle

The aim is to provide participants with the knowledge, spiritual insights and skills to enable them to contribute to the betterment of society.

Prayer & Meditation

Regular gatherings take place in friends homes to pray for, and meditate on, the challenges facing the humanity today and to seek divine assistance for the betterment of society.